Sunday, February 8, 2009

UC Forensics - Dominata Classic @ IUPUI

INDIANAPOLIS -- I just got back from the UC forensic speech team's competition Saturday at the Dominata Classic on IUPUI's campus in Indianapolis, Ind.

Of the 15 total members on the team, only five competed this weekend.

The highlight for team was Tifanei Moyer and LaToya Suggs finishing second in their Duo Interpretation grouping.

No other members finished higher than third.

Other participants this go around were Joe Oder, Winnie Nguyen, and myself.

This was my first forensics competition and although I didn't finish very high, (I finished last place in both duo attempts) I still had a blast.

Nguyen and I did an interpretation of "The Princess Bride". I haven't seen the movie or read the book. I didn't even get my script until earlier in the week. So finishing with a top score was going to be nearly impossible considering we were competing against students who received scholarships for their forensic speaking abilities.

The competition was solid. There were teams from Miami (Ohio), Butler, Indiana University, Ball State and Western Kentucky.

UC forensics head coach Wendy Larcher was a number of the events.

The coolest part of the competition was when Suggs and Moyer snuck into see Nguyen and I's first performance. Despite getting a low score, mostly because we didn't have the entire script memorized, we for sure had the best crowd reactions. There were several students laughing and carrying on througout our performance.

No other performances during the first round got as many laughs. (Whether or not they were laughing at us or with us remains to be seen, haha)

Look for an article on the UC forensics team from me in the News Record either Monday or Wednesday this week. The article basically introduces the team, as they've never had an article written about them, and mentions their participation in Indianapolis yesterday.

I'll post the link to the article once it becomes available.

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